I love the Mobile Marketer awards – it’s a chance to see a lot high quality marketing in one place. I encourage you to do the same as me, and sign up so you can vote!
The following guest post is taken from: http://www.mobilemarketer.com/cms/news/advertising/14410.html
Mobile Marketer is inviting nominations for the Mobile Marketer Awards, the most prestigious recognition honoring outstanding mobile advertising, marketing and media work in 2013 by brands, retailers, marketers, agencies and publishers.Comprising 10 categories, the Mobile Marketer Awards acknowledge consumer- or business-focused strategic, tactical and creative thinking and execution by marketers using mobile in the multichannel mix. The winners will be announced later this month.
“This year has proved that mobile not only won a seat at the table, but got to move closer to the head table,” said Mickey Alam Khan, editor in chief of Mobile Marketer and Mobile Commerce Daily, New York.
“What won it recognition from the C-suite is mobile’s ability to influence consumer and business decisions at the point where the need arose or was spurred,” he said. “These awards recognize marketers who moved the marketing and sales needle via mobile work that is worthy of emulation.”
This year’s Mobile Marketer of the Year winner will have a tough act to follow. Starbucks was last year’s Mobile Marketer of the year, heading a list of marketers who took a risk with mobile and won.
The categories for the 2013 Mobile Marketer Awards are:
Mobile Marketer of the Year
Mobile Advertiser of the Year
Mobile Publisher of the Year
Mobile Agency of the Year
Mobile Researcher of the Year
Mobile Program of the Year
Mobile Campaign of the Year
Mobile Web Site of the Year
Mobile Application of the Year
Mobile Evangelist of the Year
Previous years’ winners are eligible for the awards.
Criteria for the Mobile Marketer Awards
Nominations for the Mobile Marketer Awards require the following: a 500-word write-up in a Word document making the case for why the marketer’s mobile advertising, marketing or media work for 2013 made it a candidate for the chosen award category.
The nomination document should include the marketer’s strategic thinking for the year, tactics and campaigns deployed, execution and, if possible, the sharing of any results. The use of mobile in a multichannel context is a plus.
Please include the chief marketing officer’s name and email and phone details for the executive or his or her PR person. The document should also have two quotes from the CMO, one on what drove mobile marketing or mobile media strategy in 2013 and, two, what challenge was the marketer’s mobile efforts meant to address in 2014.
Five high res color jpegs (200dpi and up) showcasing the marketer’s best mobile marketing or mobile media work for the year should be attached along with the Word document.
Who to send and by when
All emails with the 500-word nominating document and five high res color jpegs of creative executions should be sent to Mobile Marketer editor in chief Mickey Alam Khan atmickey@napean.com. Please mention “Mobile Marketer Awards” in the email subject header.
The Mobile Marketer editorial team will judge the submissions along with its own nominations from campaigns and marketing and media work covered in the publication this year.
All nominations should be in by 5 p.m. ET on Friday, Dec. 6.